Thursday, July 17, 2014



Stroke has a new indicator! They say if you forward this to ten people, you stand a chance of saving one life. Will you send this along? Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue:
During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ...she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.
They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.
Jane's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 PM Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.
It only takes a minute to read this.
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.

Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR. Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S *Ask the individual to SMILE.
T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. Chicken Soup)
R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue
NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is
'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.
I have done my part. Will you?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


The following is the list given by my lady … I followed and enjoyed what about you???????????????

 Regularly express to her that you need and value her.
 Do things that make you laugh together?
Compliment her for her special qualities and be specific.
 Put your arms around her when she needs comfort.
 Speak respectfully, don’t demean her or hurt her feelings.
 Give her time to be with her friends.
 Take regular walks hand-in-hand.
 Be enthusiastic over things that she’s excited about.
 Do something you think she wants done before she asks.
 Discuss changes with her first before you make them.
 Show interest in the 
relationship and the things she values.
 Allow her to teach you things without being defensive.
Let go of the small stuff.
 Be a good listener and value what she says.
 Get away from the routine to spend time together.
Go shopping with her without watching the clock.
 Make her breakfast and clean up afterward.
 Set specific 
relationship goals to achieve together.
 Act like you are partners in all areas life.
 Don’t take her for granted, always be polite. 
 Admit your mistakes, and ask for forgiveness.
 Defend her to others, especially to your family.
 Don’t belittle her intelligence.
 Scratch her back, rub her feet, and massage her neck.
 Be especially helpful when she is not feeling well.
 When she asks how your day went, give her details.
 Never argue over 
money, it will damage your relationship.
 Don’t embarrass her in front of others.
 Make eye contact when the two of you are talking.
 Show that you prefer her company over all others.
 Give her your full attention whenever possible.
 When she expresses her feelings listen with your heart.
 Never flirt with another woman.
 Brag about her and your relationship to others.
 Surprise her with a card and flowers.
 Call her when you know you are going to be late.
 Give her your undivided attention when she’s talking.
 Never compare her unfavorably with others.
 Take care of yourself, It shows you care.
. Be supportive. Help her to achieve her goals.
 Run errands without complaining.
 Sit close to her, even when you’re just watching TV.
. Include her when you make plans.
 Do things that make her feel cherished as a woman.
 Build trust into your relationship.
 Surprise her with a 15+ second kiss.
 Stay in good of shape so she’s proud to be with you.
 Be kinder to her than you are to strangers.
 Make sure she feels 
valued above everyone else.
 Continue to court her and date her.
 Show affection for her in front of friends.
 Hold her close when she is hurt or discouraged.
 Surprise her with an 
unexpected gift.
 Don’t forget to hold her hand in public.
 Honor her and support her dignity.
 Don’t dishonor her by eyeballing other women.
 Fix dinner for her sometimes.
 Be sympathetic when she’s feeling down.
 Don’t ignore the small things that bother her.
 Do things around the house that she wants done.
 Tell her and show her that you love her every day.
 When you’re away call or email often.
 Show her affection without sexual intentions.
 Show her affection with sexual intentions.
 Let her see you reading and applying this list.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I love you dear, Always and Forever

You are my love,
you are my life
I love you dear,
Always and Forever

You came to my life like a wind
I have blossomed and rejoiced
I love you my darling

When you are near to me
I feel like I am in heaven
My sweet kisses darling

If you are a tree, I will become a lilly,
If you are a shore, I will become a river,
If you are a bee, I will become a flower,
I love you My dear.

Love cannot be explained,
it can only be felt,
And I feel that love when you touch me
I love you Darling

God made me realized how blessed I am.
For He gave me a wonderful person as my HUSBAND
I Love you so much